
Catching Up

Yes, I have a lot of catching up to do.  It's been awhile, I can't even remember the last time I wrote here. 

Anyway, I finally had my well-deserved vacation.  I went back to Baguio for 10 days because it's my brothers' graduation. Here... 
Shoti laki's Chinese graduation

Shoti liit's graduation. And yes, please look for the black sheep! :D 

And I was also able to hang out with my best friends! :D Weeeee.  It's been a while and I was so glad I saw them again.  

But then, the highlight of my vacation -- I ate one day old chick, again after 5 years! :D
yes guys, this is an odoks! :D YUM!! :D 

I also hang out with my family.  We went to a hot spring resort.  I was able to try steam bath which was a very funny experience :)) 
the gang ;) 

We also made a side trip in Manila for a few days.  I had fun getting lost inside a mall with little brother.  If we didn't get lost, I wouldn't able to see the Etude shop and find the band shirts I've been looking for. 

So yeah, this summer is pretty much fun.  I hope the fun won't stop.  And yes, things between boyfriend and I are good, I couldn't ask for more :) 

P.S.: Little brother is here in Davao.  Sad, though, that Shoti laki can't come here because of their early enrollment (he's entering college now!) So, so proud of my two brothers :)