Hey Pa, what up? I can smell flowers in the living room right now, so yea, I miss you too :). It's been 4 years Pa, and I never moved on. As they say, nobody moves on when a loved one dies, they just get use to the fact that they're not here anymore. I miss you a lot Pa. I miss it when you ask me to do something, I miss it when we eat out, I miss it when we want to watch movies, horror or suspense for that matter, I miss it when you would eventually fall asleep once we start watching those movies, but what I really miss is when you make me feel that you're proud of me and of what I do. Guess what Pa, shoti laki and shoti liit are really active members of Bell Church and shoti laki won 1st place on an Impromptu Speech in English. I'm so proud of them and I know you are just as proud as I am.
After 4 years, though, I'm still studying. I shifted course. I'm sorry Pa. I know you would want me to finish HRM, but I can't do it anymore. I'm so sorry I'm such a mess and a screw-up. I failed you Pa. I'm so sorry. Don't worry, I'm trying my best to make you proud again. This is the career that I really want to pursue.
It's sad, though, that you wouldn't be with us when we grow up. You wouldn't meet my boyfriend now, and shoti laki's girlfriend and shoti liit's future girlfriend. We can't chill together. You wouldn't be here to see how much we have changed. But I'm not complaining with God's plan to get you at a young age. He has better plans. I couldn't bear to see you suffering should you be able to survive your attack 4 years ago. I believe God took you because you were ready to be with Him.
This is kinda long already. See you in the future Pa (I was suppose to type soon, but then I realized, not yet Pa, I kinda have a lot of things to do first). But I know, we'll be together again. I really miss you Pa. I love you.